Work For The Lord


“I have just returned from Indiana, where the people are eager to hear the truth. Upon very brief notice, houses of worship were crowded. Although it was in feebleness that I attempted to speak to the people, yet God sustained and strengthened me. When I saw the house so crowded, and the people so eagerly listening to the truth, my soul was stirred within me. My mind went out to the great missionary field. We are not all called to occupy the desk, but we are all called to be missionaries, though perhaps in a limited sense. None can be excused. It is the duty of every one to sow the seed of truth, that it may spring up and bear fruit to the glory of God. The Lord has not given His work into the hands of a few men only; but He has given to every man his charge.

The design of this Institute is to teach you how to work; and we hope that you will give time and attention to this course of instruction. Here is a God-given privilege, in the improvement of which you may learn how to labor intelligently for the Master. God will help all who will take hold to help themselves; but we cannot expect light and help to be given us unless we heed the light we already have. If we would be efficient laborers in the cause of God, we must learn how to work. If you would be a carpenter, you must learn the carpenter’s trade; if you would be a worker for the Master, you must learn how to work for him. You should study to do your work well. It is the duty of every one so to labor that those who come into the truth, will come in ready to work in harmony with us on all points.

A few have borne the responsibilities and burdens of the work; but the cause is increasing, and their arms cannot encircle it. The work is becoming so much extended that no one individual can carry it forward. As Elders Haskell and Whitney have labored in the missionary cause, and have tried to show others how to work, they have met with success, and have gained an experience which they should impart to others. If you have already been somewhat successful in this branch of the work, do not think that you have learned all that is worth knowing, but attend this Institute and learn all you can. There are points on which you may receive instruction. The plans may be different from yours; if so, try to follow them, and work in harmony. It cannot be expected that all minds will run in the same channel; but you can all work understandingly after the same plan.

The tract and missionary work is an important part of the third angel’s message. Canvassers must go out into various parts of the country. The importance of this work is fully equal to that of the ministry. The living preacher and the silent messenger are both required for the accomplishment of the great work before us.

I see before me a number of youth. I hope you will individually feel the importance of laboring in the missionary cause. I love to see the young working for the Master;



RH April 1, 1880