Build Churches


“Students Building Churches“:


“Many of the older students, under the direction of Brother and Sister Robinson, are working up the missionary interests in the neighborhood. Children’s meetings and a Sunday school are being held at Awaba, Sabbath services and Sabbath school at Dora Creek.... A little church is now being erected at Morisset for the accommodation of the meetings held there. This undertaking originated with the students. They have raised the money, and with the exception of a little help from experienced carpenters, they have done the work. Thus the students are learning the ABCs of church building. One important feature of the lesson is to be how to dedicate a church with no debt upon it. When this church is finished, they intend to build another at Martinsville.—August 1, 1900.

In the April confrontation Ellen White had suggested as an alternative to engaging in sports, “There are houses that can be built.”

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